Corporate Finance HandbookBojan Radojicic13 ratings$0+0usdCorporate Finance HandbookBy downloading this you confirm that you are automatically subscribed to my weekly newsletter. We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.$119+119usdCorporate Finance Modeling• 6 Hours of video course sessions• 35 lessons divided in 5 modules• 50+ finance modeling sheets in Excel, editable and customizable• 330 pages of PDF instructions on how to build and analyze finance models• 30+ Pieces of actionable content: handbooks20usdName a fair price:$Add to cartSize936 KBLength1 pageAdd to wishlist New wishlistCopy product URL30-day money back guaranteeRatings4.9(13 ratings)134.95 stars92%4 stars8%3 stars0%2 stars0%1 star0%